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Pittcon and Psychedelics

Notes from our lab director Anthony Fontana PhD:
Pittcon, celebrating 75 years, is an international conference focusing on laboratory science. Alkemist was invited to present our ISO-17025 validated psychedelic method at Pittcon 2024 conference February 27-29th in San Diego, CA. For the first time the Pittcon organizers included two psychedelic symposium sessions:
- Psychedelics 101: Emerging Trends, Applications and Advances in Psychedelics Quality Testing.
- Challenges and Perspectives of Analytical Method Development for Entheogenic Psychedelic Products
Alongside a range of talks from experts in psychedelics quantification, I presented in the second symposium session which focus on analytical method development challenges for these naturally derived substances. The lack of standardized methods for these psychoactive targets combined with the onset of psychedelics legalization, emphasizes the importance of understanding this emerging market from safety and quality perspectives. Both psychedelic symposium sessions were well attended. I enjoyed meeting and discussing analytical methods used for botanical psychedelic analysis.