
Alkemist Labs Wins Two TINYawards Highlighting Positive Culture and Happy Staff

Alkemist Labs Wins Two TINYawards Highlighting Positive Culture and Happy Staff Garden Grove, CA (June 15, 2021) – Alkemist Labs is very pleased to have received two TINYawards, confirming that the company is listening to their employees and creating a healthy, happy work environment. The TINYawards are an annual, global award to recognize organizations putting forth […]

Alkemist Wins Nutritional Outlook 2020 Best of Industry Award

Nutritional Outlook’s 2020 Best of the Industry Awards, Service Provider: Alkemist Labs The boutique, family-owned laboratory has taken on industry Goliaths, powered by “tenacity, foresight, and a little crazy.” When discussing the success of Alkemist Labs (Garden Grove, CA), its CEO Elan Sudberg likes to invoke the Old Testament story of David and Goliath, driving […]

Dry Reporting

Alkemist Labs Issues Warning to Industry on “Dry Reporting” Doctored Certificates of Analysis Being Used to Market Material Not Actually Tested, a Legally Actionable Practice Garden Grove, CA (May 13, 2020) – Alkemist Labs has found some ingredient suppliers and marketing companies have been altering valid lab reports and using those falsified reports to promote […]

Elan’s 2020 Industry Resolutions

Elan’s 2020 Industry Resolutions A new year is often a time of reflection, and many people make New Year’s Resolutions, which they may or may not keep, with varying degrees of success. Simply, put, they generally fall into four categories: Start Stop Decrease Increase So here are my 2020 resolutions recommendations for our industry: The […]

SSW 2019 Preview

SupplySide West 2019 preview: Alkemist Labs to unveil initiative for consumer-friendly certificates of analysis Garden Grove, CA (August 21, 2019)Alkemist Labs will unveil an initiative called Next Generation Transparency at SupplySide West 2019 in Las Vegas, NV that provides a consumer-friendly certificate of analysis for botanical testing. Essentially, Alkemist Labs has made high-performance liquid chromatography […]


By Elan Sudberg I’ve been ruminating on the adage, ‘what got you here won’t get you there’ as I turn 40 this month, as we strategize the future of Alkemist Labs, as the industry evolves, and as legacy regulations ripen. DSHEA was written before the internet was a thing, passed in 1994 and then just […]

Partnership to Improve GMP compliance, GRAS & NDI Applications Process

Garden Grove, CA (April 22, 2019) – To help eliminate gaps where many companies are failing GMP audits, New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) applications, and other regulatory-related responsibilities, Alkemist Labs, a contract testing lab specializing in botanical identity and potency testing, is collaborating with REJIMUS, a regulatory management solutions provider, to offer clients comprehensive GMP compliance solutions. […]

Elan’s 2019 EXPO West Recap

It’s that time of year again… Post show triage where we frantically dig out from a colossal pile of hot emails received while at the show, sort through stacks of new business cards and try to recall who was what and why we were supposed to follow up, and hope in vain that the 85,000 […]

You Can Build Your Own Car Top Shower, But Should You?

By Elan Sudberg It’s my strong belief that substandard testing practices are the biggest threat to this industry. At worst, something bad goes undetected and does someone harm. At best, they foster poor quality throughout the industry, allowing products with poor efficacy into the supply chain and sabotaging repeat purchases, while handing ammunition on a […]

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