
Why Alkemist Supports Women In Nutraceuticals (WIN)

Why Alkemist Supports Women In Nutraceuticals (WIN) By Elan Sudberg While my collection of industry besties is majority women, unfortunately their ratio in the industry isn’t nearly as high. Surprisingly it’s estimated to be closer to 84 women for every 100 men, and the numbers are even worse in leadership positions, despite so much evidence […]

Alkemist Assured FAQs

Alkemist Assured FAQs by Bryan Fine You’ve seen the word transparency countless times in industry marketing material.  Telling your customers you are transparent is one thing, but showing them is something completely different. The Alkemist AssuredTM program is unique, spotlighting quality and emphasizing consumer and supply chain transparency for plant and mushroom testing.    Alkemist Assured […]

Petra’s Reflections on NBJ Summit

NBJ Summit is always one of my favorite industry events and I was so pleased to be there in person this year. I can truly say that I enjoy it not just for the amazing education and keynote speakers but also for the time to reconnect in person with partners and colleagues who have become true friends over my 16 years in this industry.

Alkemist Labs Warns Industry that Pesticide Testing is OftenMissing Two Analytes

Alkemist Labs Warns Industry that Pesticide Testing is Often Missing Two Analytes: Inorganic bromide and Dithiocarbamates measured and reported as carbon disulfide (CS2) Garden Grove, CA (July 5, 2022) –When Alkemist Labs added pesticide testing to their suite of services earlier this year, they were surprised that the reports several clients had been getting revealed that […]

Looking Back

Looking Back By Sid Sudberg In 1997, my son, Elan, and I created Alkemist Labs after I attended a couple of FDA classes in botanical identification to help the dietary supplement industry self-govern.  The FDA offered the class following its investigation of an adulteration issue that involved plantain being adulterated with Digitalis lanata that caused […]

Expo West 2022 Recap

Elan’s Expo West Recap Congratulations to the amazing team at Informa Markets and New Hope! Natural Products Expo West was a hit, and I didn’t catch Covid. In all seriousness, I do appreciate the delicate balance they offered in their efforts to keep us all safe. Many from the industry cautiously attended Supply Side in […]

SSW 2021 Recap from Elan

To say that ‘it was good show’ would be an understatement as SSW 2021 might go down in the history books as one of the best trade shows of the decade. While the NBJ Summit was terrific, really terrific and CRN annual meeting amazing, truly amazing, nothing beats the Las Vegas energy coupled with the […]

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